Passion Play (film)

Passion Play is a 2010 American drama film written and directed by Mitch Glazer, executive produced by Rebecca Wang and starring Mickey Rourke, Megan Fox, Rhys Ifans and Bill Murray. Filming for the production began in December 2009 and is presented by Rebecca Wang Entertainment. It premiered at the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival.

Nate and Lily begin to form a relationship. Nate, fearing another assassination attempt, seeks out Happy Shannon Bill Murray, a gangster with deep pockets who had ordered Nate killed after Nate had slept with his wife, whom he also had murdered. Nate plans to put Lily on display for paying customers, and he offers Happy 75 percent of the proceeds. Happy dismisses the proposal and does not believe that Lily has wings, but he later sees for himself when Nate arranges an appearance of Lily for him, but at a safe distance.Nate and Lily go to a motel, they talk, and then have sex. Happy finds them and then abducts Lily, but to keep Lily compliant, he agrees not to harm Nate so long as Lily lives with him. Nate tries to stay away from Lily, but he realizes that he is in love with her. When Nate attempts to see Lily and rescue her from Happy, he fails. By now, the sideshow owner has also learned that Lily is with Happy, and he breaks in and attempts to take her. Happy pulls out a pistol, and shoots him to death. ........

Source: Wikipedia